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The Fairfield Hills Authority held a Regular Meeting on Wednesday, October 21, 2009 in the meeting room of the Town Hall South, Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Bob Geckle called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m.

Present:  Bob Geckle, Andy Willie, Kathy Furey, Walt Motyka, John Madzula, John Reed, Don Studley and Mike Holmes.

Absent:  None

Also Present:  Maria DeMarco (DeMarco Management Corp) and one member of the public.

Public Participation:  None

Acceptance of Minutes:  John Reed made a motion to accept the minutes from the September 16, 2009 meeting.  Andy Willie seconded the motion.  

John Madzula noted a correction that John Reed made a motion to allow Relay For Life to use the campus in 2010 not 2009 as noted in the minutes.

Mike Holmes also noted a typographical error that read “Relay for Like” and it should have read “Relay For Life”.

The motion was made to accept the minutes as amended.  

All in attendance voted unanimously.

Finance:  Maria DeMarco gave an overview of her monthly operating expenses. (See Attached).

Ms. DeMarco pointed out that this month’s statement showed two months of payments to the security company.  

Ms. DeMarco also brought to the Authority’s attention that the DeMarco statement does not reflect the 12 months projected budget, as requested, but will be done in this manner for the next meeting.

Ms. DeMarco also stated that a check for $7,750.00 was paid by the Newtown Youth Academy for Common Area Charges, for the period from November 1, 2008 to April 1, 2009.

Ms. DeMarco stated that she was scheduling a meeting with the Parks & Rec, Department of Public Works and members of the Authority to confirm who will be in charge of these winter snow removal tasks.  Ms. DeMarco will also meet with the Newtown Youth Academy to discuss the snow removal protocol.  

Don Studley discussed the overall Fairfield Hills financial statement (See Attached) He will be following up with the Director of Finance to confirm how much money is left on the Steap Grant.  

Operations:  Ms. DeMarco gave an overview of her monthly report.  (See Attached).  

Ms. DeMarco updated everyone on the move to the Newtown Municipal Center.  The phone system is in place and the lines should be live this Friday.

The Finance Department and the Town Clerk’s offices will be completely moved in and operational on this coming Monday.  The Board of Education will be moved in at the end of the month.

Bob Geckle gave an update on the Newtown Municipal Center stating that he toured the building with Herb Rosenthal (Selectman) and that the building turned out beautifully.  He also informed the Authority that there will be an Open House on November 18, 2009 (This date has to be confirmed).  

At this time, John Madzula informed the Authority about the repositioning of the electrical box on the Center Green.  The cost to do the move is approximately $4500.00.  John Madzula stated that this move will be done to reduce the height of the electrical box to code.  The location will be ten feet back from the curb line.

At this time the Andy Willie introduced a discussion about the installation of lights around the Newtown Municipal Center.  Mr. Willie informed the Authority that the light poles that were installed did not fit the specifications in the Fairfield Hills Campus guidelines.  Mr. Willie stated that this was a problem because the Newtown Youth Academy was required to follow the guideline specifications increased cost per light pole.
Mr. Willie advised the Authority that he had written a letter to First Selectman Borst explaining the problem with the light fixtures.  Mr. Willie stated that Mr. Borst responded to him that the installed light fixtures were less expensive and that was the reasoning behind using them.

Bob Geckle informed the Authority that he had learned that morning that the fifty or so lights that had been salvaged for re-use were not going to be installed and the thinner light fixtures were going to be installed through-out the campus.  

Maria DeMarco stated that the original light poles had been salvaged for historical preservation and were in storage.  

John Reed interjected that the town not following the specifications in the guidelines leaves an opening for the tenants on the campus to not have to follow the guidelines either.

Motion:  John Reed made the following motion:  

Whereas the Fairfield Hills Authority developed the campus guidelines that were endorsed by the Planning and Zoning Commission; and whereas it appears that the Town of Newtown has proceeded to purchase and install items not in the campus guidelines, jeopardizing the Authority’s ability to enforce the guidelines for future development of the Fairfield Hills Campus, we respectfully ask that no further work be done until the issue of the light poles can be resolved.  

Andy Willie seconded the motion.

All in attendance voted unanimously.

Andy Willie stated that a formal letter to all of the Selectman will be written and will include the above motion in the body of the letter.

John Reed stated that a possible review sub-committee should be formed so that all items to be used on the Fairfield Hills Campus could be pre-approved by the Authority.

Planning:  Bob Geckle gave an update about the Woodbury Hall Lease Agreement.  The veterinary hospital asked and received an extension for the signing of the lease agreement to November 30, 2009.  

Mr. Geckle stated that they are working with a USDA backed mortgage with the Newtown Saving Bank.  A feasibility analysis is the final item required for the approval of their mortgage.

At this time Kathy Furey informed the Authority about an idea that was presented to her for the possibility of an Aerial Forest Park being put on the Fairfield Hills Campus.  

John Reed asked what would be in it for the Fairfield Hills Campus and how would this make the town money?

Ms. Furey stated that this would have to be discussed.

Bob Geckle suggested that the developer should come and look at the campus to see if it is even feasible.

John Reed gave an update about the Campus Trails.  He received technical specifications of the trails from Stantec and he will leave them at the engineer’s building for public access.

Mike Holmes gave an update regarding Nano-Technology stating that the committee had a letter to 100 people looking for interest and did not receive any responses.     

CIP:  Bob Geckle discussed the Capital Improvement Plan report that will be given at the Board of Finance meeting on October 22, 2009.  

Mr. Geckle stated that Walt Motyka and Andy Willie will attend the meeting.

Master Plan:  At this time John Reed informed the Authority that he had a discussion with Bob Geckle and stated that he thought the Authority should take a positon on a Master Plan review.

Motion:  John Reed made the motion that the Authority go on record that the Master Plan should be re-visited and possibly updated.  Kathy Furey seconded the motion.

A discussion follow and Walt Motyka stated that the Authority should be very careful about wording of this motion because the meaning could be misconstrued.

Don Studley stated that he would be apposed to the motion at this time when real progress was being seen on the campus and things in the Master Plan were finally working.  He stated that he was not advocating any revisions to the Master Plan until the campus has had a chance to settle down after the move into the Municipal Center.  

After much discussion regarding the pros and cons of the Fairfield Hills Authority endorsing a master plan revision, John Reed withdrew his motion.

Security:  John Reed and Maria DeMarco updated the Authority on the improvements that were planned for the Security on the Fairfield Hills Campus.  

Ms. DeMarco stated that new lighting will be installed on the campus on existing street poles at of cost of $275 per light.  There will be six lights in total.  The monthly utility cost per light per month will be $40.00.

Motion:  Andy Willie made a motion to approve the installation and cost of the six security lights for the Fairfield Hills Campus`.

Mike Holmes seconded the motion.

All in attendance voted unanimously.

Motion:  John Madzula made a motion to adjourn.  Andy Willie seconded the motion.

The meeting adjourned at 9:29 p.m.